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Propeller Microbox LbNA #13212 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jan 23, 2005
City:North Windham
Planted by:Rush Gatherer Contact Inactive
Found by: WWW
Last found:Oct 28, 2008
Last edited:Jan 23, 2005
** Summer 2008 ** This Letterbox has been reported as missing. **

From Windham Airport travel North / East on Rt. 6 to a small commuter lot on your left. Park your car in the lot and walk up the small hill through the entrance in the wire fence. If you were to go left it would bring you along a walk following the high dike overlooking Windham Airport. For the Propeller letterbox, after you go through the entrance in the wire fence, you will be taking a right along a wide path leading through a corridor of small pine trees. You should see a small sign nailed to a wooden guardrail on the left side of the path that says "Entering Hunting Area" (blaze orange would be a good idea during hunting season).

Following the path through the corridor of pines, count about 36 wooden guardrails on your left as you go along, until you come to an opening in the posts to another trail on your left. Proceed down the little trail to your left about 29 paces, at which point you will reach an intersection with another unmarked trail. There were cross country ski tracks on this trail when we planted the Propeller.

Take a left onto this unmarked trail and continue about 23 paces. In pacing, almost immediately, you will pass a flat square shaped cement platform on your right (for lack of a better description, at planting time they are covered with snow and a bit hard to identify). The 23 paces should put you alongside a second square cement platform on your right. Walk around the cement square (not over it, we’re not sure what it is!) and behind it you will see a little grouping of tiny pine saplings. Look in the middle of the grouping of the pine saplings about a half a foot off the ground for the Propeller Microbox.

If you go out right now, you will probably see our tracks in the snow! Take care stamping in, the container should be water-tight, but make sure it is closed on ‘both sides’. There is a tiny hand carved stamp (Rush Gatherer used a microscope to carve it), as well as a tiny stamp pad and tiny log book. This was a fun box to create and we hope you enjoy it!

Return to your car the way you came. If you continue down the trail, you will see some gorgeous views of the dike and the wetlands around Mansfield Hollow State Park. The ice and snow cover makes for some beautiful, albeit freezy, scenery this time of year. We look forward to seeing our Propeller in warmer weather!