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Where's Waldo in the Woods LbNA #13838

Plant date:Mar 17, 2005
County:New London
Planted by:sadie&russ Contact Inactive
Found by: ???
Last found:Dec 30, 2020
Last edited:Mar 17, 2005
....can you find Waldo in the woods?

Sticks branches logs stumps limbs trees bushes vines

Creeks rivers streams ponds lakes swamps mud

Orange red white blue yellow green violet

Turtles deer foxes raccoons squirrels snakes

Cliffs ledges moraines erratics boulders rocks stones

Hemlocks beeches sycamores cedars pines

Can you track him down?

And maybe you’ll just pass him by.

Plan on about an hour hike.

Red trail all the way (no side trail now) take it counter clock wise at the “T”

On the way find some ties, (about 1 foot apart) count about 250, to 3-17

After the laurel grove head uphill across a small stream to 15 foot rocks.

Do you see those very large flat faced boulders? Left on a ledge chest high.