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20 Questions Game 15 - Place LbNA #55032

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Jul 28, 2010
City:Richmond Hill
Found by: 225leader
Last found:Apr 24, 2012
Last edited:Jul 28, 2010
*** Part of my Games Series ***
Terrain Difficulty: Easy (flat, 600 yards RT)
Status: alive

Twenty Questions is a game which encourages deductive reasoning and creativity. One person chooses a person, place, thing or year and all other players try to guess it by asking questions which can be answered with a "Yes" or "No". If a person guesses correctly in 20 questions or less, they win. There are many variations of this game, including a board game that uses cards with hints to help you guess correctly. I have created a game similar to this for you to play where you randomly select up to 10 hints from a drop-down list, then try to guess me. I am a place, and you can guess at any time without penalty. Remember, a place can be a natural creation or man-made location. You must guess correctly to see the clues to the Letterbox. Good luck!

Select up to 10 hints to help guess me
Hints: What place am I?

Hint 1:
Hint 2:
Hint 3:
Hint 4:
Hint 5:
Hint 6:
Hint 7:
Hint 8:
Hint 9:
Hint 10:

LB Clue 1:
LB Clue 2:
LB Clue 3:
LB Clue 4:
LB Clue 5: