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Babyfoot Lake LbNA #11570

Plant date:Oct 11, 2004
City:Cave Junction
Planted by:Erfellie Contact Inactive
Last found:Jul 30, 2006
Last edited:Oct 11, 2004
Update: We are currently experiencing severe environmentalist uproar and protesting and lots of people are getting arrested due to the logging of the Biscuit fire (which this LB commemorates) so because of all the problems the government is having with enviromentalists they have closed the road and any access to it is forbidden. Road should re-open around July 31st, 2005, you may want to email me and ask me before traveling the distance to get there to see if the road is still closed to the public. I guess I wont have many visitors this summer! :oP If you want to call the forestry department to ask them if its open the number is 1(541)592-4000.

Hi fellow letterboxers! Up for another wonderful hike? Well this one will be a bit different, you will see very few green trees and happy deer and singing birds, but it strangely has its own special kind of beauty. This LB commemorates the worst wildfire in Oregon history, the Biscuit fire. One of the unfortunate places burned was the extremely endangered botanical area "Kalmiopsis Wilderness." Before the horrible fire of 2002, there were species of plants that could be found here and no other place on earth, but in its ashes a new forest will grow even stronger and healthier, we may just not live long enough to see it.(on a positive note, all the poison oak has been burned away!!). But Hey! Hike the trail, with its ghostly remains of trees, and its new growths, its a very interesting site indeed, and you will be pleasantly suprised that the trees surrounding the rim of this amazing lake still stand tall and green, it's own oasis. This is a relatively easy hike, a 2.4 mile round trip with little "ups and downs" so even a child could hike it safely, and its even open to horseback riders.

To Get There: Drive Highway 199 (redwood highway) south of Grants Pass 24 miles (or north of Cave junction 5 miles). At mile post 24 turn right onto Eight Dollar Mountain Road, there will be a road sign on the left side of the road saying "Kalmiopsis wilderness area 17." This paved road narrows, turns into road 4201, crosses the Illinois river at the 3 mile mark, and then climbs a gravel road another 12 miles. At a fork in a pass, follow a "babyfoot Lake" pointer left on road 140. Then drive 0.7 mile to the trailhead, a short spur on the right. After 0.3 mile on the trail, it forks. A wooden sign says Left to babyfoot Lake Rim or right to Babyfoot Lake, turn right and follow the trail for another 0.9 mile.

Finding The Letterbox: Just a few yards before you reach the lake, on the trail is one more wooden sign that says, "Kalmiopsis Wilderness Siskiyou National Forest." Stand directly in front of this sign, facing it, and directly to your right is a fallen tree about 60ft long, looking down its length you will see the partial burned remains of the stump from which it fell. Stand on the uphill side of the stump, looking uphill (towards the trail you came on). About 10 steps in front of you is a large mossy rock. Directly right of that, about 10 steps, is a small dead tree about 10 feet tall. At the base of this is two good sized rocks (you can lift the smaller one easily)with several smaller stones wedged in the crevice of the two large rocks. Under the smaller one you will find what your seeking.
Have fun and dont forget to visit the lake!!

P.S. This is a very heavy traffic camping spot, or was pre-Biscuit, so please replace box securely with the small stones covering it completely. Also, this area is known for great amounts of snowfall so you wont want to be hiking here December through April :o)