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Blanket of Love LbNA #31088 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 21, 2007
County:Ontario, CAN
State:Ontario, Canada
Planted by:RubberRabbit Contact Inactive
Found by: KS
Last found:May 15, 2010
Last edited:May 21, 2007
Originally planted by The Sehl Gang and adopted by Where's Wendy in July 2010

Go to the north of town, near the water tower. Park at the corner of Victoria St. & High St. Take the pedestrian trail at Fairy Lake Nature Centre. It is a short walk, clockwise around the lake. When you get to 2 old log structures, you will see a wooden bench. If you sit down, your feet will be at the top of a small stone retaining wall. Climb down & remove three small rocks. Your treat is visible only if you bend down low. Stamp 9 times to make a timeless treasure.
(I have no idea how busy this trail is during summer discreet!)