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CCBL East Series Box #5 Y-D Red Sox LbNA #14753 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 19, 2005
City:South Yarmouth
Planted by:Mumma & Bunny Boy Contact Inactive
Found by: CPAScott
Last found:Sep 29, 2007
Last edited:May 19, 2005
Stamp: Hand-carved
This box is 1 of 10 (5 in the West League & 5 in the East League)

Home Field: Dennis-Yarmouth Regional H.S. Field, Station Ave, South Yarmouth

The Cape Cod Baseball League has been the premier amateur baseball league in the nation since 1885. Many players have gone on to play in the major leagues. Players from the Red Sox are: Craig Biggio, Morgan Ensberg, Mike Mordecai & Russ Ortiz, just to name a few.

You can get a CCBL schedule by going to:

All games are free but ask for a donation.

Directions to Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School Field:

From Off-Cape:
Take Rt. 6 to Exit 8 (Union St.). Right onto Station Ave. Follow for 1.4 miles. Take left turn at D-Y High School into parking lot, field at rear of parking lot.

From P-town:
Take Rt. 6 to Exit 8 (Union St.). Left onto Station Ave. Follow for 1.5 miles. Take left turn at D-Y High School into parking lot, field at rear of parking lot.

****Note: There is no ink pad in this box. Blue ink or blue & red markers recommended.****

Directions to the box:

Start your search behind home plate. Head NW at 350 degrees to the Memorial Garden & look for the biggest rock. (A)Count the total number of letters in the first line of the inscription on the rock ____. (B)Count the number of letters in the last word in the 2nd line.

Have a seat on the bench facing this rock & look down. Find the two bricks in memory of my friends from the class of ‘86. (C)Count the total # of letters in both names ____.

Figure: (C - B) X A. Remember the number.

Go to the left field foul pole. Walk across the field at a bearing of (remember the number?) degrees. Find and go to the upside down bat. Catch your prize behind the Siamese Pine player straight ahead.

Please re-hide well.

Be sure to look for the “magic #” in the front of the logbook. Add up the #’s from all 10 boxes and receive the clue to the bonus box.

If you plan on catching a game as well as the box, please try to come early or stay late, as these games are very well attended. If you try for the box during a game, please use the utmost discretion, as there are always curious kiddos here.

Thanks & I hope you enjoy! Since I cannot get to the fields on a regular basis, I would love to hear updates – please “contact the placer” or email me directly at:

***All my boxes are also posted at ***