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CCBL West Box # 2 Cotuit Kettleers LbNA #14735 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 19, 2005
Planted by:capecodletterboxer Contact Inactive
Found by: Fish and Chips
Last found:Oct 10, 2008
Last edited:May 19, 2005
CCBL West Box # 2
Cotuit Kettleers

stamp: hand carved
This box is 1 of 10. (5 in the west league and 5 in the east)

Home Field: Lowell Park, Lowell Street, Cotuit

The Cape Cod Baseball League has been the premier amateur baseball league in the nation since 1885. Many players have gone on to play in the major league. Players from the Kettleers are: Lou Merloni, Mark Bellhorn, and Tim Salmon, Just to name a few.

You can get a CCBL schedule by going to:

All games are free but ask for a donation

Directions to Lowell Park:
Direction to Lowell Park, Lowell Street, Cotuit - Take Rt. 6 to Exit 2 (Rt. 130). Take right and follow Rt. 130 to end. Take left onto Rt. 28, then immediate right to Cotuit Center (Main St.). Follow Main St. for 1.2 miles. Take left onto Lowell Ave., immediate left into Lowell Field parking lot. (the sign says Elizabeth park)

Directions to the box: Pull into the parking lot and locate the Handicapped signs on the right side of the parking lot. Behind these signs is a small path start down the path and notice the 6’-7’ tree on the right missing its top. Find the Kettleers box at the base of the tree under a movable stump.

Please be very stealthy and re hide very well.

If you plan on catching a game as well as the box, please try to come early or stay late, as these games are very well attended. If you try for the box during a game, please use the utmost discretion, as there are always curious kiddos here.

Be sure to look for the “magic #” in the front of the logbook. Add up the #’s from all 10 boxes and receive the clue to the bonus box.

For questions, comments or to report your find. You can notify me at
Have fun. -CCL