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CCBL West Box #3 Bourne Braves LbNA #14736 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 19, 2005
Planted by:capecodletterboxer Contact Inactive
Found by: Wolfy
Last found:Feb 22, 2008
Last edited:May 19, 2005
This box is missing.

CCBL West Box # 3
Bourne Braves

stamp: hand carved
This box is 1 of 10. (5 in the west league and 5 in the east)

** Bourne Braves have moved to a new field this year. I'm not sure of the name of the field but here are the new directions.
Home Field: Upper Cape Tech feild, Sandwich Road, Bourne

The Cape Cod Baseball League has been the premier amateur baseball league in the nation since 1885. Many players have gone on to play in the major league. Players from the Braves are: Bill Mueller, Kevin Youkilis, and Brian Esposito Just to name a few.

You can get a CCBL schedule by going to:

All games are free but ask for a donation

Directions to Upper Cape Tech:

Bourne Braves
Upper Cape Tech, Sandwich Road, Bourne - Over Bourne Bridge. At rotary, take third right on to Sandwich Road, proceed 1/4 mile to school entrance on right. The field is located behind the school buildings.

Directions to the box: When over looking the Field (with the soccer field to the left of the ball field) Follow the guard rail to the end... the end perpendicular to the field and furthest away. At the edge of the woods closest to this end is a cedar. Directly to the right of the cedar is a faint path. Up this path about 10 steps is a pine larger then the rest. Marked with 3 rocks is the Bourne Braves box.

Please be very stealthy and re hide very well.

If you plan on catching a game as well as the box, please try to come early or stay late, as these games are very well attended. If you try for the box during a game, please use the utmost discretion, as there are always curious kiddos here.

Be sure to look for the “magic #” in the front of the logbook. Add up the #’s from all 10 boxes and receive the clue to the bonus box.

For questions, comments or to report your find. You can notify me at
Have fun. -CCL