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Four Ponds LbNA #780 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jan 21, 2002
City:Pocasset (Bourne)
Planted by:Ginger Blue Contact Inactive
Found by: Hayes-E-L-Nuts
Last found:Dec 31, 2006
Last edited:Jan 21, 2002
Four Ponds

Terrain: Easy with a couple short hills
Clues: Moderate
Shortest round trip: About ¾ mile

Directions: From the Bourne Bridge rotary take Rte 28 towards Falmouth. At 3 miles look for Pocasset/Wings Neck exit. (If you reach another rotary, you’ve gone too far.) Take a right here onto Barlows Landing Rd. and continue for ¾ mile. The parking area is on your right. Start at the gate to the conservation area.

Ten paces times 10
Plus another fourteen
Brings you right to the head
To an oblong of green

Lions and eagles
May wind through the forest
Staying true to the clues
Will work out for you best

The sinister path
Is the one that you want
For success to cap off
This letterbox jaunt

Great pine offers choices
Charming trail either side
The answer’s left up
For you to decide

Stop a moment to rest
Wounded tree next to you
Both hunter and arbor
Refreshed by the view

Continue on down
To the foot of the stairs
Two-thirty degrees
Sets right your affairs

Two wooden bridges
Invite you each way
But along by the pond
You surely must stay

Another stop offers
Watchful gaze of the pond
While a stronger urge beckons
Of the quest you’re more fond

Step back and consider
The journey uphill
Whose trail ends abruptly
While the maze expands still

Head NE through the maze
The next one of its joints
Bears green arrow on white
Your direction it points

The island of trees
Tests the sum of your grit
Loop back to the start
And you might as well quit

Huge pine with bent elbows
Stands guard near the shore
Where a swan you might spy
By chance, maybe more

This beautiful sight
Could destroy your resolve
Hurry back to the trail
You’ve a mystery to solve

Ten paces times ten
Then do it again
Bear three-thirty degrees
Count two paces plus ten

‘Neath the crust of the ridge
Mother earth heaves a sigh
Peer into her mouth
There your treasure does lie

Head straight past trees’ island
If with speed you are bound
To return to your car
Hope my stamp has been found

Trail maps may be obtained by contacting the Conservation Dept. at the Bourne Town Hall – Tel. #508-759-0625. As with any hike in the woods, be cautious on slippery slopes and brook crossings. Also, DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS! They will not learn to survive in the wild if they become dependent on humans for food.