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Kennedy Park Grackle LbNA #11222

Owner:Azroadie Contact
Plant date:Sep 29, 2004
Found by: JoySong
Last found:Nov 5, 2018
Last edited:Feb 7, 2017
Trail difficulty: Mostly easy on dirt trails; a little moderate the last few yards or so,
Distance: about 15 minutes one way
Stamp hand-carved
Status: Alive and well on February 1, 2017

The letterbox is in John F. Kennedy Park in far southwest Tucson, Arizona. From I-19 take Exit 99 and go west on Ajo Way for about 1.5 miles. Go right (north) on La Cholla Blvd. for about 0.3 miles. Turn left (west) onto the second park entrance road and drive to the end of the paved road and park there.

From the end of the paved road, walk south on a dirt road. When you arrive at a paved parking area, turn right (west) and walk through the "Explorer Trail" trailhead opening in the fence. When you arrive at a dirt road, continue straight across it. Continue west on the trail up slope. After winding around a little (but still going roughly west) you will go down and up a small shallow gully. You will soon arrive at a small pile on your left of old pebbly paving material (macadam). From the top of the pile go exactly north (mag. north) up hill on a faint 4-wheel road for a short distance to its end at a small flat dirt area. From the center of the flat area go at about 330 degrees (from mag. north) up slope for about 20 steps to a small Palo Verde Tree. From the northwest side of that tree, go at about 340 degrees for about 19 steps up the rocky slope to another small Palo Verde Tree with a small Jojoba Bush under its right side. The box is under the north side of this tree, under the small Jojoba Bush, and under a pile of rocks covered with some twigs and plant debris. Be alert for snakes and scorpions!

Please be sure the contents are double ziplocked when you put them back in the box (ie. the stamp is in a ziploc, the book is in a ziploc, and the two are in the larger ziploc bag). Please rehide the box well under the rocks, twigs, and plant debris so that it can not be seen from any direction.

Enjoy the view of the Tucson basin. You are standing in the foothills of the Tucson Mountains. To the east are the Rincon Mountains; to the north are the Santa Catalina Mountains.

Contact me if the box needs attention:

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