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Lookout - Pioneers LbNA #32225

Plant date:Jun 24, 2007
County:Ontario, CAN
State:Ontario, Canada
Planted by:The Lumberjacks Contact Inactive
Found by: angel treads
Last found:Jul 5, 2010
Last edited:Jun 24, 2007
"DRIVE" down the "RIDGE" where the "DEER" walk backwards.
"LOOKOUT" - this lane will take you to a gravel lot where you may park. Walk past the boulders and bushes. Beware of the plastic reptiles!
Follow the curvey gravel path beyond the crooked post. Turn right at the "T" - go to Clarica Pathway.
Proceed to the large stoney monument with wagon on've seen it before on the Record (A1).
Look for a passage between 1800 and 1925. Go up if you are able....When you get down, go right and visit the Sherks and Betzners. Tucked beside the lilac bushes is a quiet bench overlooking the Grand.
When you leave the bench, follow the edge of the cut grass on your left back to the open area, until you see a small dirt path directly opposite from the passage. Go down carefully; it is a bit steep.
Pass the end of a chain link fence - no hunting. Soon you will see a broken down fence post on the left and a small dirt path to the right. If you get close to the have gone too far.
Take the dirt path to the right for 8 steps and observe the rocky bank to the right. There will be a young beech tree standing alone close to the path. At the base, there is a small pile of rocks.
Look under the mossy one to find your prize!