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Lost Luggage LbNA #19999 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Jan 13, 2006
City:Long Beach
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Clarinet 226
Last found:Oct 11, 2009
Last edited:Jan 13, 2006
Park Series #2
Heartwell Park, Long Beach, CA
Retired as of 5/30/10

This is one of several boxes I created to place in parks that my children and I used to enjoy visiting for various reasons. This park was just great for a lazy afternoon stroll.

I went to check on this on 5/12/10 and it was missing again. The original box lasted two-and-a-half years, but since that time I've replaced it four times, so I give up. I was honored to have this be the first find for many boxers, including Binary Blonde who blogged about it.