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Lucy Letterbox LbNA #42532 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 7, 2008
Planted by:WebWalkers Contact Inactive
Found by: Team-Trouble
Last found:Jan 22, 2009
Last edited:Aug 7, 2008
This letterbox is #3 of a series of three dedicated to our pups! The Lucy Girl Letterbox is for our female dachshund, Lucy (aka Lulu, Loui, LuLabelle) who's personality alters between sweet and werewolf!

The third letterbox is hidden in Chisholm Park located in Hurst, Texas. Please note that Chisholm park is very busy, especially on weekends. It may be better to try to locate this box on a weekday. To get to the park take Boulevard 26 (Grapevine Highway 26) north and turn right (east) on Norwood Dr. After several blocks turn left into the park entrance.

After entering the park drive down to the playground on your left and park in front of it. Proceed to the baby swings in the far right corner of the playground. At the baby swings look for a line of 6 tall pine trees. Travel through the pines to a set of picnic tables. After you reach the two picnic tables look northwest towards the water towers and proceed to a single picnic table. From the single picnic table look, again, North West towards the water towers to spot a two trunk oak tree who's right trunk is dead and pointy. Walk 20 paces to the spit trunk tree. At the split trunk tree turn slightly to your left (about 10:00), facing west travel 10 paces to a group of three trees that make an Isosceles triangle. (bet you didn't know you were getting a geometry lesson!) Standing at the base of the triangle look at what would make up the right vertex. At the base of the right vertex tree, pushed into a crevice and hidden by a rock is the treasure you seek. Please rehide well as this is a very busy park!