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Madison Boulder LbNA #15495

Plant date:May 28, 2005
State:New Hampshire
Planted by:christine Contact Inactive
Found by: Julie Arrison-Bishop
Last found:Aug 3, 2017
Last edited:May 28, 2005
The Madison Boulder is the largest known erratic in New England and among the largest in the world. The Boulder is a huge granite rock measuring 87ft long, 23ft wide and 37ft high. It is believed to weigh approximately 4,662 tons! A part of this roughly rectangular block is buried,probably to a depth of ten to twelve feet.
Madison Boulder is made up of fine grained feldspar and larger quartz crystals that welled up under pressures from the molten mass deep into the earth over 200 million years ago. When cooling accured the molten rock hardened. Over the millions of years, the softer material on the earths surface were then removed from erosion due to the wind and water. Not so with the granite of New Hampshire, the GRANITE STATE!
As early as 1835, geologist believe huge boulders like the Madison Boulder isolated in their surroundings, had been washed to their present locations by the great floods which occured in the ancient times. Today it is believed that these boulders, or erratics were moved various distances during the last ice age.
Authorities traced Madison Boulder to the Whitton or White ledges 12.4 and 4 miles respectively, to the northwest. A few maintain that the boulder so closely resembles one of the four types of rock that form Mount Willard in Crawford Notch, 24 miles to the northwest. The ice sheet must have brought it from there. Madison Boulder lies on a "glacial drift," unsorted sediments left by the retreating ice sheets.
Madison Boulder Natural Area is open to the public year round at no charge. Picnic tables are available. Pets are permitted in this park.
From I-93, take exit 23 onto route 104 East. Follow Route 103 to route 25 North to Route 113 North. Take a left onto Boulder Road and follow signs to Madison Boulder
From I-95, Take 16 North. Tuen right onto Route 113. Take a left onto Boulder Road. Follow signs to Madison Boulder
Park in parking lot at the end of the road. Proceed Left around boulder. Face the pointed part of the Boulder turn 180 degrees and walk to the red/blue marker.Walk thru the double pine trees. Turn left and cross brook. Take 21 paces to the large boulder. Turn left and walk up hill, 20 paces to a triangular shaoped rock. Walk 5 paces ahead to a large hemlock tree. Here you will find your prize. Please rehide box carefully. Retrace your steps. Enjoy the park!
