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Tannery Brook LbNA #5296 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 18, 2003
Planted by:MommaFox Contact Inactive
Found by: Starlett
Last found:Apr 21, 2007
Last edited:Aug 18, 2003
Clues: Easy
Terrain: Easy
Time: About 10 minutes
This one might be tough in the early spring depending on how high the water is.

Directions: Follow the directions for Tannery Falls. When you pull into the parking area pull straight in to the back right corner.

Clues: You should see the brook in front of you when you stand with your back to the road. In the right corner of the parking area there is a rocky path. Go down this path about 55-60 feet and you will a very small waterfall on your left. The path will then turn slightly to the right then back to the left and you will come to the edge of the brook and a slightly larger waterfall on your left. If you look in front of you there is a smallish tree draped over the brook a short ways up. As you look in front of you towards this tree there should be a large tree on your left and 2 smaller trees on your right. Stand at the large tree and take a reading of 90*. You should see a large tree, Hemlock I think, on the side of the hill with a rock outcropping to the right. You will the box under roots and rocks.

After finishing the boxes here you can get back to Route 2 the way you came.

Please email me directly about this box at