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Tarrywile Park LbNA #1202 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 7, 2002
Planted by:Greg Contact Inactive
Found by: Clueless
Last found:Apr 21, 2012
Last edited:Apr 21, 2018
The Tarrywile Park Letterbox

(Danbury, Connecticut)

Placed 7/7/2002

Tarrywile Park and Mansion (TP&M) is located in Danbury,
Connecticut. The Mansion is available for Banquets, Weddings,
etc. Most of the site is dedicated to hiking and other outdoor

Tarrywile directions: I-84 East or West to exit 3. Take second exit
for Danbury Airport. At traffic light, take a left. At next light, take a
left onto Wooster Heights. Go 0.9 miles and turn right onto
Southern Blvd. Go 0.6 miles and watch for two stone pillars on
your right and Farm area parking signs. Pillars mark entrance.

There are 6 trails, White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange and Purple.
You'll need a trail map to make your experience more enjoyable. (A copy of the map is located in the file section of the yahoo group for letterboxing)

Originaly there were 4 letterboxes.....#1-Mansion, #2-Mother Rabbit, #3-
Beacon and #4-Woodchuck. As of 2018 only one remains. short hike, approx. one mile total distance.

No.2 - Mother Rabbit Letterbox - Moderate

21APRIL2018 - verified. refreshed and new log provided
18MARCH2012 - verified in place

You need to get on the white trail. From the Mansion, head
South. You'll pass a information sign showing a map of the
Park. There are maps available there sometimes. Follow the
White trail down to the white planter and the Barn area. Head
South torwards Parks Pond, then turn West through the meadow
and up towards the Water Tank.

Continue pass the Water Tank, walking up grade to the Upper
Meadow. At the tree line the Blue trail starts (the post has gone missing, so use the tree line as your starting point.......and there is a 4x4
post with a carved number "9" on its' top. (These post are used
to mark your location in case of an emergency)).
This is your starting point for TP&M Letterbox number 2 - Mother Rabbit.

From the treeline and the start of the BLUE trail, take a compass bearing of 120 degree
(approx.S.W.). Walk 10 paces (2 steps per pace). Look to the South for a Large flat rock laying and facing up the hill. It has the shape simular to Africa. The letterbox is located under the "Africa's" Eastern coast, hidden by a couple of smaller rocks.