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Walnut Canyon Monument Webbox LbNA #68786

Owner:Azroadie Contact
Plant date:Jul 8, 2015
Location: Walnut Canyon National Monument
Found by: Connecticut Croaker
Last found:Feb 15, 2020
Last edited:Jan 3, 2016
Walking distance: 3/4 mile loop
Trail difficulty: easy, a flat paved path

The answers to the questions in the clues for this webbox are located in Walnut Canyon National Monument in northern Arizona. Letterboxes are not allowed to be physically placed in national parks and national monuments administered by the U. S. National Park Service. So, I have created this webbox. You must actually visit the area of the clues; however, you need to go to the Web to obtain your finders stamp.

Enter Walnut Canyon National Monument which is off of I-40 east of Flagstaff. After passing the entrance fee booth park in the lot at the end of the road on the north side of the visitor center.

Just outside the front entrance to the visitor center is a moderately tall narrow three-panel interpretive sign titled “Rim Trail”. In the top panel, in the middle paragraph (starts with the words “An easy stroll…”), in the 3rd line, what is the 5th word. ______?

Walk east on the Rim Trail and look for the interpretive sign titled “Cliffrose Purshia stansburiana”. In the paragraph (starts with the words “As a people…”), in the 2nd line, what is the 5th word ______?

You may return the way you came or continue on the loop trail.

To create the mystery word, put the word from the second question on the end of the word from the first question (without spaces). Paste the mystery word (all letters lower case) into this URL (replacing the question marks “???” with the mystery word):

Now, plug/paste/type the new URL into your web browser and you will have completed your search for the Walnut Canyon Monument Webbox.

Please record your find at .

Click here for a list of all my national parks and monuments webboxes.

If you live in Arizona or New Mexico or have an interest in letterboxes in those states, you are invited to join the Letterboxing Southwest Discussion Group. Go here to join: .