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Why ? LbNA #21607

Owner:Azroadie Contact
Plant date:Apr 21, 2006
Found by: 66gypsies
Last found:Mar 11, 2017
Last edited:Apr 6, 2021
Trail difficulty: easy
Walking time: about 5 minutes one way
Stamp hand-carved
Status: alive and well on April 5, 2021. Box replaced.

Go to Why (doesn't everybody?)! From the intersection of State Highways 85 and 86 in Why, drive south on Highway 85 for about 1.9 miles to a Roadside Table on the left (east) side of the highway. Park there.

Walk through the opening in the fence on the north side of the parking area.
Go right along the fence line.
At the corner, turn right and walk along the fence line to the sixth steel fence post.
Note : Area overgrown since original planting. You might need to duck & wander a bit.
At that post, turn left and walk on the old dirt road / wide trail that goes at about 110 degrees (from mag. north).
Walk on this trail for about 126 steps to where it turns to the southeast.
Continue up the trail for 60 more steps.
Turn left, cross a wash and walk over to a lone Saguaro Cactus with the center top missing and two small arms on its south side. Top portion laying on the ground, at the base.
From that Saguaro, go at about 192 degrees (from mag. north) for about 22 steps to an old gnarly Mesquite Tree, a portion of the gnarly limb has broken off and is laying on the ground.
The box is under its south side under a large flat rock and some twigs and plant debris. Be alert for snakes.

Please be sure the contents are double ziplocked when you put them back in the box (i.e. the stamp is in a ziploc, the book is in a ziploc, and the two are in the larger ziploc bag). Please rehide the box well under the rock, twigs and plant debris so that it can not be seen from any direction.

I will not be able to check on this box very often; so, please let me know if you find it, or if it needs attention or is missing:

Please record your find at or at .

If you live in Arizona or New Mexico or have an interest in letterboxes in those states, you are invited to join the Letterboxing Southwest Discussion Group. Go here to join: .