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Wrightstown Wash LbNA #44620

Owner:Azroadie Contact
Plant date:Nov 21, 2008
Found by: JoySong
Last found:Nov 1, 2022
Last edited:Jan 30, 2017
Walk difficulty: very easy
Distance: about 1/4 mile one way
Stamp hand-carved
Status: alive and well on January 28, 2017

This round microbox is on the far east side of Tucson. Drive east on E. Speedway Blvd. to the 9600 block. The Wrightstown Wash trailhead is on the south side of Speedway Blvd. just before the cross street called Jeanine Ave. Park along Jeanine and walk back to the trailhead. There is a "bumblebee" pole at the start of the trail!

Walk south on the dirt path that runs along the east side of the wash. You will pass a cul-de-sac on the left. You will soon arrive at a paved street. Cross the street and continue on the trail counting the moderate size lone boulders on the right as you go. Go to the 8th boulder. The box is deeply under the back side of the boulder back in a "hidey hole" with a small rounded rock covering the hole. Please use stealth to retrieve the box. Sit on the boulder and discreetly reach down and take out the box. Do not stamp in at the boulder. There is a convenient bench about 36 more steps along the trail that you can use to log in.

Please be sure the ziplock for the log book is tightly sealed when you put it back in the box and that the lid for the box is tightly screwed on (push down on lid and turn). Please discreetly rehide the box well deeply under the boulder and cover with the small rock so that the rock does not stick out beyond the side of the boulder

Please let me know if the box needs attention or is missing:

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