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Hidden Villages LbNA #10058 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 13, 2004
Planted by:Kimono Girl
Found by: Flying Dragon (5)
Last found:Apr 2, 2005
Last edited:Aug 13, 2004
The first box is in place and in good condition. However, the rest of the boxes were either missing or in poor condition. They will not be replaced but the stamps will be cleaned or recarved and placed in the first box.

These boxes are hidden at Homer Lake. If you have never been to Homer Lake before, take I-74 to the Ogden exit, head south on 49, and follow the signs to the park entrance. This box does not have a stamp pad so you will need to bring your own pad and pen. I have used them with black ink so if you have a lighter stamp pad (such as orange or green) you might also want to bring something to clean the stamps with.

Level of difficulty: moderate. This is a short hike with some hills and uncleared paths...not suitable for strollers but should be very doable for small children. You will cross the road, so watch out for cars. The trail goes through deep woods, so do a tick check when you are done and maybe bring some bug spray for the mosquitoes. One final warning, although I tried to avoid placing any of my boxes near poision ivy it does grow in the area so keep an eye out for it.

Note: steps are heel to toe measurements; paces are full strides taken either while walking normally or swiftly (swift paces are obviously longer than normal paces)

From the park entrance, take the road to the left towards the lake. Cross the bridge over the spillway and park in the first parking lot you come to on the right side of the road. Cross the road and start at the Oak Ridge Trail.

Originally this was a series of five boxes, with the clues to the next box found in each of the first four boxes. However, due to consistant issues with two of the boxes going missing and animals opening another two boxes, all of the stamps have been relocated to the first box.


Approximately 215 swift paces from the trailhead there will be a small deer trail exiting the path to the left under the low-hanging branches of a bush. Follow this trail, being sure to note or mark where it exits the bush and enters the small stoney valley. At the bottom of the valley, follow the path eastward between the two cedars to the end of the valley. There you will find the stump of a fallen tree to the north-west of the trail. Just to the right of this stump stands another cedar. In this tree, facing the trail about 5 feet up, you will find Iwagakure no Sato, the first of the hidden villages.