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The Bat House LbNA #10854 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Sep 12, 2004
City:New Orleans
Found by: dvn2r ckr
Last found:Mar 23, 2005
Last edited:Sep 12, 2004
Belfry has flown in for some MUCH needed repairs. It seems we have vandels around his area. He will fly out again soon!!!

NEWS FLASH: Belfry on the LOOSE!!

The Audubon Zoo reported today Belfry, a West Peruvian Stamping Bat, broke loose from his trainers on Sept. 12, 2004. Belfry broke free last night during his feeding. James Boudreaux said “Belfry was fine when I opened the cage to give him his nightly bug snack but then he just went nuts! I tried to calm him down but all of a sudden he flew down and “stamped” me on the forehead and flew off.”
At the time of this report Belfry was last seen flying over Zephyrs field headed for LaSalle Park. This reporter went to the scene of the last fly by at the park to see if I could find the elusive bat. I found a house that seemed he was living in but he was not there when I came by. Due to legal issues as a reporter I can’t tell you where in the park I found the house but you can follow these clues to see it for yourself and just maybe you will find Belfry!

Start in the west parking lot of LaSalle Park. When entering the park look for a plaque with the information on the opening of the park. Turn 180 degrees from that plaque you should be facing south. Walk down the asphalt trail counting the lamp posts as you go along. When you reach the number 14 come to a stop. While looking at the 14th lamp post turn 180 degrees looking toward the woods. You should see a resting bench to your right. If you would like to take a rest here please do. If not walk 105 paces from the lamp post, down the trail and into the woods. You will then come to second trail that breaks right. Turn toward the trail and go 40 paces. At this point look for “The Twin Trees” In the middle of these twins you will see a mighty oak. At the base of the tree in between the roots you should see “The Bat House”. Look there to see if you find Belfry. If found please contact me at so I can try to catch this little bat.

NOTE: Thanks for taking the time to try to find my first LB! Make note that this box is located in some woods so all the rules of going in the woods will only help you. This area is very pretty in a woody way but please be respectful not to disturb the area the box is located in. The park is only open from 5am to 10pm daily and they will kick you off the grounds AT 10p. Take nothing but imprints and memories and leave nothing but footprints.

Please read the following website before setting out on your adventure: