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Aduceus-Cay LbNA #12691

Plant date:Dec 9, 2004
Found by: Boots Tex
Last found:Mar 2, 2006
Last edited:Dec 9, 2004
e-Thay "Aduceus-Cay" etterbox-lay is ocated-lay in allenger-Chay 7 ark-pay, ust-jay off of I-45 outh-say and asa-Nay oad-Ray 1, outh-say of ouston-Hay. oad-Ray igns-say in e-thay area eem-say to dicate-inay at-thay it’s in e-thay ity-cay of ebster-Way. or-Fay ome-say onderful-way information about e-thay ark-pay, ee-say awk's-Hay “STS-51L” ues-clay or ilver-Say Eagle's “ace-Spay ity-Cay uttle-shay” ues-clay.

eaking-Spay of awk-Hay, it ould-way e-bay air-fay to ention-may at-thay is-thay etterbox-lay is a arody-pay ox-bay, aybe-may a irst-fay of it’s ind-kay. It’s a arody-pay of awk’s-Hay etterbox-lay “Caduceus.” It as-way MIA en-whay I anted-play is-thay ut-bay awk-Hay ells-tay e-may it ill-way obably-pray e-bay eplaced-ray. e-thay ues-clay or-fay “Caduceus” ere-way in a ough-ray atin-Lay, ich-whay is y-whay is-thay arody-pay is, of ourse-cay, in ig-Pay atin-Lay. I ink-thay ou’ll-yay enjoy e-thay amp-stay en-whay ou-yay ind-fay it. ood-Gay uck-Lay and atch-way out or-fay itters-cray!

One other note... this letterbox is in no way meant to lessen the reason for this memorial park. Please take a moment while you are here to remember the fallen heroes who gave their lives for the noble pursuit of science and the exploration of space.

om-Fray I-45, urn-tay ight-ray on asa-Nay oad-Ray 1. oon-Say ou-yay ill-way urn-tay eft-lay at e-thay ign-say or-fay "allenger-Chay 7" ark-pay. ontinue-Cay to ollow-fay e-thay igns-say until ou-yay enter e-thay ark-pay. ive-Dray to e-thay arking-pay area or-fay "other-May Earth ulpture-Scay", and ark-pay.

To e-thay etterbox-lay:
ollow-Fay e-thay ath-pay to e-thay other-May Earth ulpture-Scay. ontinue-Cay on to e-thay oardwalk-bay. At e-thay oardwalk-bay, o-gay ight-ray on e-thay ain-may ath-pay into e-thay oods-way. en-Whay ou-yay each-ray e-thay air-chay ing-sway and oy-bay out-scay arker-may on e-thay ound-gray, ake-tay e-thay eftmost-lay ath-pay. at-Thay ast-lay entence-say is ere-whay our-yay irections-day iffer-day om-fray aby-Bay ear's-Bay "eptune-Nay" and awk's-Hay "STS 51L" etterboxes-Lay.
ow-Nay ou-yay o-gay enty-tway ee-thray aces-pay om-fray e-thay art-stay of e-thay ork-fay. (art-Stay ounting-cay at ere-whay e-thay ees-tray art-stay etween-bay e-thay eft-lay ork-fay and e-thay iddle-may ork-fay.) At enty-tway ee-thray aces-pay ou'll-yay ind-fay a allish-smay ee-tray ith-way any-may ines-vay ust-jay to e-thay eft-lay of e-thay ail-tray. o-Gay elve-tway eps-stay at one undred-hay orty-fay egrees-day, ich-whay is almost erpindicular-pay to e-thay ail-tray on e-thay eft-lay ide-say. ou-Yay ould-shay ee-say a any-may unked-tray ee-tray ith-way a ead-day anch-bray eaning-lay against it.. ook-Lay ehind-bay e-thay ead-day anch-bray and in e-thay otch-cray ou-yay ould-shay ee-say a etterbox-lay about ee-thray eet-fay off e-thay ound-gray. en-Whay ou-yay eplace-ray e-thay etterbox-lay ease-play ake-may ure-say e-thay op-tay is ealed-say ell-way, ince-say it's eaning-lay on it's ide-say. so-Alay eplace-ray e-thay ead-day anch-bray if or-fay ome-say eason-ray it as-hay allen-fay over.