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A-MAZING Mystery LbNA #16018

Plant date:Jun 16, 2005
Planted by:Papeseed
Found by: ???
Last found:Apr 4, 2015
Last edited:Jun 16, 2005
Find the Dictionary Maker’s street and head south toward the city of ________________(1).

On the right you will see a sign for the __________________(2) ________________(3).

Park in the lot of the ________________(4) for __________________(5).

Look for the entrance to the _______________(6) marked by _________________________________________(7).

Enter the _____________(6). In the center, spot the trio of __________(8) at a reading of 330 degrees on your compass. After you finish your journey, stand with your back against these, facing the same direction you did from the center of the ______________ (6).

Four paces ahead of you will be a large _____________(9).

Kneel before this and peer into the ______________ (10).

Clipped here you will find the container in the shape of the path you just walked.

Please be respectful of these revered grounds. Do not take short-cuts, trample on the grass, or stray from the intended path. There may be small groups of people in retreat here, or those in search of a quiet place of reflection. Please be silent and discreet if others are present (or wait until they leave).

Enjoy the experience!

(1) French for “Of Father”

(2) He lived from ca. 1080-1134 A.D. and was proclaimed the Apostle of Antwerp

(3) A monastery or convent

(4) Middle

(5) Spiritual character, quality, or nature

(6) Film starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly, produced by George Lucas and directed by Jim Henson

(7) The words of Psalm 16.11

(8) The outer bark of this tree contains a substance called Betulin, which heals wounds faster and stops inflammation.

(9) What do these things have in common? Apple, Nut, Cone, Tar

(10) Singer Michelle, whose hits include “Breathe,” “Are you Happy Now,” and “’Til I Get Over You”