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Picnic In The Pines LbNA #20051 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Jan 13, 2006
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Cosmic Rigo
Last found:Mar 15, 2009
Last edited:Jan 13, 2006
Park Series #4
Wilderness Park, Downey, CA
Retired as of 5/30/10

This is one of several boxes I created to place in parks that my children and I used to enjoy visiting for various reasons. The most prominent features of this park are the small man-made lakes, but we liked to wander all the way to the back and have a picnic in the shade. The park is off Florence Ave, near the 605 and 5 Freeways. It's free weekdays, but $2 on weekends.

I went to check on this on 5/30/10 and it was missing. It had been in this location for almost four years, so it had a good run.