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The Heart Of The Sleeping Dragon LbNA #20053 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Jan 13, 2006
Location: Rainbow Park
County:Los Angeles
Found by: WafflesParty
Last found:Oct 1, 2015
Last edited:Oct 5, 2017
Park Series #1
Rainbow Park, Cerritos, CA
Retired as of 10/4/17

This is one of several boxes I created to place in parks that my children and I used to enjoy visiting for various reasons. My daughter once said that walking in the park was like walking on the back of a sleeping dragon. You'll find this very small park bordering the 91 Freeway, just off Carmenita Road.

When you get to the park you'll learn the dilemma. The evil wizard "Betten" cast a sleeping spell on the dragon, then caged and chained it away. He stole its heart and hid it away in his castle. To awaken the dragon you must find its heart.

As you turn disappointed from the chained gates of the park, you'll see the huge drawbridge over a moat filled with very fast crocodiles. Ignore the noise of these beasts as you cross the bridge and enter the gates of the evil wizard's "court". Come early, for the wizard sometimes locks his gate by sundown.

Stay to the left and go to the corner where the castle's eastern wall and northern wall meet. At this point you can more easily climb the gentle slope. The top of the sharp hill is level and wide enough to walk along. Follow the northern wall back to the northwest until you find an old collapsed section of the wall where it was struck by a crocodile. Look underneath the vine covered bricks.

When you're finished, make sure the logbook is in a bag, and that bag and the inkpad are both in a second bag. The stamp and it's container should not be in a bag.