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Painter's Palette LbNA #20557

Plant date:Feb 25, 2006
City:West Linn
Found by: 4Js
Last found:May 15, 2012
Last edited:Feb 25, 2006
[Reported found Summer 2011 but very wet inside. A new box and logbook are needed if someone want's to adopt. -Choi]

Welcome to Painter's Palette Letterbox!

RED any good books lately?
ORANGE you needing some new ones?
YELL OW! if you bump into a building full of them!
Start at the
BLUE sign with the adamant! instruction to drivers.
Look WNW-ish into the middle distance for a
YELLOW dot over a
YELLOW horizontal line.
Head toward it until you've passed three
BROWN synthetic 'trunks' on the left and are in line with the run of steps up from the patio behind the library.
Look for a
WHITE horizontal line directing you to a
WHITE vertical line.
Move about 12 feet SSW from the white vertical line into the
GREEN material.
Face east and move toward a cluster of
TAN semi-vertical lines.
Beware of the
BLACK berries, they scratch and the juice will stain you
The letterbox is in the base of the cluster near the
PINK ribboned stake.
Rehide it well so it's there for the next artist to
find. Let us know if the box needs maintenance.
Thanks and happy hunting!