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Assunpink Series LbNA #20690

Plant date:Mar 5, 2006
State:New Jersey
Planted by:M&BH
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Mar 5, 2006
This is a 3- box series and is our 1st placements!

Begin by finding the Rising Sun Lake access on Rt. 571 just south of Roosevelt NJ. The dirt access road is on your right , ¾ mile from the intersection in Roosevelt or 0.3 miles past the Smoky the Bear sign (on your left) when approaching from the other direction. Rising Sun Lake is one of several lakes within the 6,300 acre Assunpink Wildlife Management area. (The name Assunpink was derived from the Lenape name Assan pe ink which is translated as "stone water place”.)

> Hunting is allowed in Assunpink from September through February excluding Sunday’s.
> There’s a skeet shooting range at Assunpink. You may hear it but it’s over 2 miles away.
> Assunpink trails are not “blazed” or marked in any other way. They are just paths through the woods.
> The area is frequented by horseback riders. Trails can be narrow, yield to horses when possible.
> The trail can be a little wet, dress accordingly.
> All 3 boxes should be found within 2 hours.
> Park near the boat launch but be careful not to block boat trailer access to the water.
> A “stride” is a long step.

Once parked:

> From the GUARD-rail, head out at 300°.
> At your 1st three trail choices, go 180°
> 12 strides past the 3rd 180 find the triple tree & Take the low road.
> Watch for a large log & keep it to your right
> Trail will bear east & up
> Find 2 respectable conifers(pines) within arms length of the trail.
> You’ll spot another triple 7 strides past the pines but go 2 more.
> Spy a yawning maw at 350° and go claim your 1st prize.

> Continue along your unexplored path.
> Cross the top end of a stream bed, dry when these treasures were planted, for you we’ll see.
> When a choice needs to be made, choose the direction where the trees form PEACE sign. (Don't follow "XX")
> On a 5 minute stroll, your choices split and gather. Don’t worry; it all comes together in the end.
> Discover an 18” stump standing almost in your way to the left.
> Put your back to the tree across the path from our troll, look over ol’ gnarly.
> Your treasure is 23 strides away!

> Enjoy PEACE again and go 340° when forced to choose.
> Wave to an old friend.
> See the 1st TRIPLETS? (Keep them to port.)
> At VermonT remember; DAM the mosquitoes, full steam ahead.
> LAUNCH yourself to detect #3.
> At the south end GUARD, stroll 310° to woods edge.
> Spy 2 sleeping cedars. Your objective is covered by the bigger.

Send me an email & let me know how you did!