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Past Post ~Burke LbNA #23231 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jun 23, 2006
Planted by:Sondog
Found by: jaunter
Last found:May 14, 2011
Last edited:Jun 23, 2006
***~The Letterbox has gone missing in 2013~***
***~Still a wonderful drive up this canyon.~***

There are many Boom towns along this route. This Canyon is rich in History. Before your journey go to the Staffhouse Museum website and print out the "Wallace to Burke Milepost Tour". It is a description of the sites you will see. Go to this website and print a copy take with you. Many Thanks to the author.

Now for the clues.
Take exit 62 off of I-90 in Wallace. Travel Northeast up Hwy. 4, also called Burke Rd.
Just beyond the roadside 7 mile marker, you will see a sign that reads. "Historical Site Ahead". It is the typical brown sign just before the actual Historical Site sign with some history about Burke on it.
There is a wide place on the side of the road to park and read the Burke sign. The clues start here but please don't end you journey here. After you find the lettebox continue on up the canyon with the Milepost Tour list in hand.
At the "Historical Site Ahead" sign walk towards 260 degrees true for 63 steps. You will see a large cement block with a pipe coming out of it, the pipe hangs over Canyon Creek to the other bank. Walk to the creek from the block towards 4 logs that are up the bank. They look like they were at one time part of a retaining wall. From here follow the flow of the creek to were a low wall of cement is. This low wall is across the creek. Stand facing it from your side of the creek so you are directly across from the center of it's length. Turn around. Looking at the bank you should see a old square post that is broken off level with the surrounding large rocks. It is a bit hard to see, so look closely. Letterbox is next to this broken post covered with rocks.
Hope you enjoy the hunt, the area and the history. Please re-hide well and watch for non-letterboxers. I hid this just out of Burke hoping it would be safer. Your help in keeping the integrity of this letterbox is greatly appreciated. God bless, Sondogs

My letterboxes:
If you find one and it is in disrepair, in "bad" shape -Please simply notify me. I prefer to do my own repairs and/or replacements. Thanks.