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The Guardian LbNA #30542 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 1, 2007
City:Winter Haven
Planted by:Birds of Fire
Found by: Me&MyGirls03
Last found:Jun 8, 2015
Last edited:May 1, 2007
Located at South Lake Howard Nature Park
663 Lk. Howard Dr. S.W.
Winter Haven, Fl.
(this park is near a radio broadcast station, you can see the tower).

Start in the paved parking lot with the bathrooms to your left side and the white wall at your back. Take the path that leads towards wood over water, along the way stop to read about local lake wildlife and aquatic plants. Walk forward and continue above the water until you come to an intersection. Turn right here and continue to cross the pond. When you reach dry land, turn right and walk to the triangle shape in the ground. Turn left here and continue past the park bench, unless you would like to sit for a moment with 97 year old Daisy in this cool, shaded spot. At the next triangle, take the path to the right. There should be tracks of wood and steel on your left. Continue down this path which is guarded by statley sentinals offering shade. The last of these sentinals on the right before you reach the sign that says halt, is where you will find me. This guardian holds me nestled in the crooks of its arms, covered with a homemade blanket that it made for me. When you have found me, please cover me again, so that I may stay here safely guarded. You can turn around and return to your starting point, you do not have to travel over water again, but may take a path around it to see this parks other areas.