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Hedgehog's Hideout LbNA #30697 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 5, 2007
Planted by:bigpurplefoot
Found by: Hart x6
Last found:May 12, 2007
Last edited:May 5, 2007
*****reported distroyed. I got this email "we went searching for your letterbox today and found just pieces as it looks like a mower got to it before we could. we found some pages from previous finders, part of the container wrapped in camo that was hit by a mower, and a small corner of your pink stamp. we picked up some of the pieces and put them in the wall near where we thought we would have found it. sorry for the tough luck" I'll try to rehide soon, in a slightly different location! *****

Once a year a little french hedgehog comes out to play at three little lakes hidden right in Bloomington. To find her hideout, start at the intersection of Oakland Ave and Bunn St. Go south on Bunn until you go under the viaduct. Take the first available left turn. Follow the road and the signs leading back to the lakes.

The first time I was here, I thought little hedgie had lured me back here so it would be easier to hide the bodies! If you're a little skeptical about where you are, then you're in the right spot. French hedgehogs are even more particular than normal hedgehogs though, and this spot is particularly well hidden.

As you follow the road, you should soon see a big block wall. Park at the side of the road where the wall ends. Little hedgie likes to run a play in this field, admiring the tiny little lakes. She can't go for a swim, because as the signs say, you have to be a member to go past the building. (but not the playground!)

To remember her one day a year playing by the lakes, Hedgie left her favorite symbol in the block wall. There's a tree where the block wall meets a different kind of wall. Behind the tree, in the wall, you can find her symbol. remember that hedgehogs aren't very tall!