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Ethan's Treasure LbNA #36800 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 19, 2007
City:Lake Forest/Tahoe City
Found by: Zebra
Last found:May 31, 2008
Last edited:Nov 19, 2007
Last attempted on July 15, 2008.
Recieved 2 reports in July of the box being gone. Apparently some cleanup work has been done in the area. I will check it next visit.

We planted this box on a trip with my 2 year old nephew, My sister’s family has a cabin nearby and they will be checking in on the box and watching over it. Please email me if you find the box or if you notice that it needs attention.

This box is located in the Lake Forest area near Tahoe City. There are public restrooms and parking very close nearby.

To get to the box from Tahoe City, Take N. Lake Blvd (Hwy 28) East as if you were going to drive around the lake to Incline Village. Just past mile marker 1 you will see the sign for Star Harbor and then the sign for Lake Forest Dr. Turn right onto Lake Forest Dr. Pass Bristlecone and then turn right onto Aspen St. (Look for Bacci’s Inn on the corner) Turn Left onto Lake Terrace Av. Lake Terrace ends in a loop at the parking area for this box.

From the parking area there are 2 paved paths leading out from the loop. Take the left path about 20 - 25 steps. Turn to your left and you should see a slightly worn dirt walking trail leading off away from the paved path. Take this trail between two tall trees and it will curve to the right. After you have travelled about 90 steps off the pavement, you should find yourself in a small clearing with picnic tables and a small wooden platform which looks like a stage. From the North side of the “stage” you should see an old worn down tree stump at the edge of the clearing, about 15 steps away. The box is located in the top of the stump covered by a rock and some pieces of bark.