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Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun LbNA #39472 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:May 2, 2008
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Clarinet 226
Last found:Jan 16, 2010
Last edited:May 2, 2008
Park Series #5
Thompson Park, Bellflower, CA
Retired as of 5/30/10

This is one of several boxes I created to place in parks that my children and I used to enjoy visiting for various reasons. My daughter attended preschool at Thompson Park, and both my children went to the elementary school that borders it. We often came here to eat ice-cream from Lickety Splitz across the street.

I went to check on this on 5/30/10 and the row of shrubs the box was hidden behind had been chopped down by the city. For those who may need the exact location for some reason, the box wasn't actually at the park, but near the Lakewood Green Line station.