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Graveyard Garden Gate LbNA #42429 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jun 14, 2008
Planted by:G3
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 14, 2008
Box is missing as of 8/22/09 and will not be replaced.

Start at the main intersection of Boone, Iowa and drive 2 blocks west along the avenue named for a first lady. Turn left (south) on a street whose name sounds like a color but isn't.

Drive 5 blocks south to a street named for something that is the color that sounds like the street you are on and turn right. There is a big church on the southwest corner. Drive one block to the Graveyard garden gate.

Linwood Park is the largest cemetary in Boone, and the final resting place of several of my inlaws. Park your car and stand facing the gate. On the column to your right there is a brass plaque with a year inscribed. Add the first two digits together to get a number. Add the second two digits to get another number Multiply the two numbers you calculated together to get a step count.

Starting at the gate, walk into the cemetary, keeping to the right of the road, counting up to the number of steps that you calculated. You will turn toward the north as you walk. When you have completed your step count, look for the oven where Mr. Keebler bakes his Maple cookies.

Now train your eyes easterly (60 degrees if you have a compass) and spy a pair of conjoined conical conifers 25 steps away. On their north side there is an opening where you can enter between them. Enter and look down to your right. Your treasure should be nestled in the branches near the trunk about a foot above ground.