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Penn & Teller LbNA #42728 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Aug 12, 2008
Location: Forest Lawn Memorial Park
County:Los Angeles
Found by: DisneyFreak1101
Last found:Feb 2, 2009
Last edited:Aug 12, 2008
Retired as of 1/25/13. With the removal of my replacement, I now suspect the property managers are aware of the location or this listing. I prefer to retire it rather than bring ill will to this hobby.

Penn & Teller have taken their comedy magic act from Broadway to Las Vegas, from PBS specials in the 1980s to the current Showtime series "Bulls**t!" They've appeared on Letterman, Leno and Saturday Night Live, as well as writing three books: "Cruel Tricks For Dear Friends" (1989) "How To Play With Your Food" (1992) and "How To Play In Traffic" (1997).

They also have a grave in the Hollywood Hills.

To get there, go to Forest Lawn Memorial Park on the northwest side of Griffith Park. Enter the gates on Memorial Drive and go straight at the stop sign. Continue right (straight) at the first fork and an immediate left (straight) at the second fork. Go left at the third fork, pass the church, turn right, pass Memory Lane and park alongside the walled in gardens.

Enter the second tier of the gardens and you'll soon find their marker in the first row on the left. Make note of their trademark playing card that's on the marker. No, they aren't dead. Penn & Teller paid to have the cenotaph placed to allow for a rather dramatic ending to a card trick. Both they and I ask that you be very respectful when visiting the grave marker.