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Wing And A Prayer LbNA #50676

Owner:I dig toasters
Plant date:Sep 29, 2009
City:St. Charles
County:St. Charles
Found by: I dig toasters
Last found:Mar 30, 2017
Last edited:Sep 29, 2009
Park information: Blanchette Park was the first City Park acquired in 1914 and the beginnings of the St. Charles Parks and Recreation Department. Blanchette Park is the first public park participating in the Plants of Merit Program through the Missouri Botanical Garden. While seeking your treasure, take time to wander though Rau Garden and view many plants whose performance have been evaluated by horticulturalists and determined to be dependable in the Midwest. The garden also contains a statue which pays tribute to the National Share Office Angel of Hope. The angel's face is that of a child, its arms raised, as a child waiting to be lifted. Its wing is inscribed with the word HOPE.

Near a parking lot across
The end of Hawthorn
In a garden an angel dwells
Giving hope to those who mourn

Look close upon her wings she spreads
The lower points the way
Down a red brick path you’ll see
Follow this and all’s Ok

Soon you’ll have a choice appear
Oh, which one should you make?
Left down the path of dirt and mulch
Is the one that you should take!

Next pass by some benches there
For rest but then get going
The path has changed again you’ll see
And now it takes some mowing

To the right a line of rocks
A border to the trail
Take note of how this border splits
Or else your search will fail!

What you seek is close by now
Just pace where it divides
Count your right foot four steps forward
Under the rock it waits and hides