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Notes From The Lost Civilization LbNA #51413 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Nov 15, 2009
Found by: VIENNA
Last found:Jul 25, 2015
Last edited:May 21, 2019
Retired as of 5/5/17

Obscure alt-rocker Tonio K. released an album in 1988. Stand exactly where he is standing on the album cover, which will be difficult to work out because of all the new trees and the building. Depending on your interpretation, you should find yourself near a drain and a manhole cover by the sidewalk. Look for a pile of rocks at the base of a thorny tree by the corner of the wall.

When you finish, make sure the logbook and stamps are sealed in a bag, and that bag is sealed in the second bag.

Leftovers (2 of 6): Walk across the street to lamppost one. Walk, bike or drive to lamppost forty.