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Europa LbNA #56472

Plant date:Nov 16, 2010
Planted by:Tall Texan
Found by: Tall Texan
Last found:Jan 9, 2016
Last edited:Jan 1, 2016
This is an interior letterbox located in a public library in the Houston area. Check the hours of operation on the website before you go looking for it.

To find the library where the clues begin decode the name by selecting the letter indicated from each correct answer:

Mountain Range in Europe. (4th Letter)
John Locke wrote that people had a right to “life, liberty and ___.” (4th Letter)
European river that flows into the Mediterranean Sea. (1st Letter)
The ____ Revolution began in England. (8th Letter)
The Romans had three ____ of government. (4th Letter)
A type of warfare used by Germany in World War II. (10th Letter)

Sea in Northern Europe. (1st Letter)
The Roman ____ was founded in 509 B.C.E. (1st Letter)
Jean Jacques ____ wrote about the Social Contract. (7th Letter)
European ____ founded in 1993. (2nd Letter)
The Magna ____ was signed in 1215 C.E. (1st Letter)
World War I was fought using ____ warfare. (6th Letter)

Find the library and go inside. Look for the Biography section. The letter box is magnetic and is attached to the bottom of a shelf underneath a biography of this important person in European history. Unscramble the biography that you need from the letters below:


When you find the biography sit on the floor and look like you are looking for books. Reach underneath and you will see the box hanging on underneath the shelf. You will find a “Starry Night” waiting for you.

When done please replace it exactly where you found it and make sure that no one sees you.

Good luck.