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Don't Worry LbNA #57012

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Feb 16, 2011
Location: St Minas Court
County:San Bernardino
Found by: trilla_marion
Last found:Apr 15, 2012
Last edited:Feb 13, 2016
Inland Empire Series: Colton
Alive and well as of 2/12/16

The Coptic Orthodox Church is a lesser known branch of Christianity historically originating in Egypt. I'm not a follower of this religion, but I did find St Mina Church to have fascinating architecture and to be in a remote enough locale to inspire planting a letterbox.

Just south of the 10 Fwy, exit the 215 Fwy at Washington/Mt Vernon and head east on Washington for 1.2 miles. Turn right at Reche Canyon Rd and go 3 miles. Turn right at the crosses and head uphill for 1.2 miles to the entrance of St Mina Church. Please be respectful of this private property as you take in the interesting mix of modern and Gothic design.

When you finish, head back downhill for .3 miles and pull off next to the boulder that clearly inspired the name of this box and the simple stamp image. Proceed up the faint footpath to the left of the boulder as it gently ascends the side of the hill. When you reach a fork, keep right and continue up for another 125 steps until you reach what would be a creek crossing if it were raining. To your right is a large pile of boulders with a single small tree growing in the midst. Check under some small rocks in front of the base of the tree.

I dedicate this box to Tom and Liz, 4/27/78 :)