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Jersey Shore LbNA #57849 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 17, 2011
Location: QVCC
Planted by:stephielove
Found by: Red Paisley Quilter (3)
Last found:Jul 13, 2011
Last edited:May 17, 2011
We have a situation! The trail at QVCC is completely destroyed due to construction at the school. I'm sad to say the letterboxes are ruined and you will no longer be able to find them!!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

The Jersey Shore letterbox is located at Quinebaug Valley Community College Danielson Campus. The address is 742 Upper Maple Street. After you enter the QVCC entrance, take a right at the stop sign. Drive all the way down to the last parking lot. You will see a light pole in the middle of the parking lot. Park here. You will see a trail right near this light pole. start walking on this trail.

Go straight on the trail. on your second right take the trail. walk up to the first big tree on this path. it will be on the right of the path. face this tree and a little behind it you will see a log that is wavy. next to this log is the first letterbox hidden underneath leaves.. (the Gym) Get your fitness on!

Head back to the main trail and continue straight. You will see a long moss covered branch sticking out on the right. The second box (The tanning salon) is here. Don't get sunburn!

The trail curves to the right. You will come to a big hill. Walk down and you will cross over two logs. Right after the second log there is a little pine tree off to the right. The third letterbox (the laundromat) is hidden here underneath rocks. Don't forget your quarters so you can wash your clothes!!

Turn around and go back the way you came. Pass the "triangle arched" tree and continue on the path. On your right, right before letterbox #2, there will be a group of small green plants. Look past those and there will be a pile of dark brown logs. Behind these is a tree with a hole at the bottom. Inside that hole is letterbox #4 (The Club. The box is hidden underneath leaves and branches... Get your groove on!

Walk back to your car!!!

Remember to re-hide the boxes well!