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McDonald's History #3: Golden Arches LbNA #60714 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Feb 2, 2012
Location: 17030 Green Dr
County:Los Angeles
Found by: WafflesParty
Last found:Oct 4, 2015
Last edited:Mar 26, 2019
See also: Big 'M' and Speedee
Retired as of 3/25/19

To complete my trilogy of McDonald's themed boxes, I give you the location of the most unusual McDonald's in the world. This facility is not a functioning restaurant, but rather a film set. Virtually every time you've seen a McDonald's restaurant in a film or television show, as well as the majority of their own advertising, it was filmed here. The building's exterior and interior can be quickly modified to suit any need, and the warehouse next door stores the decor and wardrobe for every version of McDonald's in history. Want to film a scene set in 1975? They have that uniform and menuboard ready and waiting.

Exit the 60 freeway at Azusa Ave north and make an immediate left onto Gale Ave, then the first or second right onto Green Dr (it's a short loop). You can see the set and warehouse from the street, but it is completely fenced off, so don't trespass.