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My Birthday Box LbNA #6367 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 8, 2003
State:New York
Found by: Searching for Direct
Last found:Jul 14, 2007
Last edited:Nov 8, 2003
This is the first letterbox I have placed. It is named "My Birthday Box" because it was placed on my birthday! If you are the first one to visit there is a little task for you to accomplish... see letterbox contents for details.

Warning: There is one little section of this hike that is precarious... be fore warned... I did hike this with a baby carrier on my back with a not sooo small baby in it and found it a bit difficult, but nothing an agile person couldn't handle.

Directions to box:
There is a parking lot across the street (and down a little ways) from the entrance to Oakwood Cemetary on Gurley Avenue in Troy (Lansingburgh).

Across the street from the parking lot there is a bike trail take this trail. (NOte the trail actually does go in both directions, but you want the side of the trail that is across Gurley Ave. from the parking lot) If you count the telephone poles (including the one that has the green "bike trail" sign on it) you want to pass 5 poles. Across the trail from pole 4 (numbered by the telephone co. as #47) there is a rock face. The rock face ends at pole 5 (#48). There is a metal rail fense on the right at poles 50-s and 50. About 50 feet further a trail crosses from the right. Turn 90degrees to the left. You will see 2 (or if you are very observant - 3)trails. The left trail goes down to a stream. The middle trail which is straight ahead climbs a hill. There is also a semi hidden "billy goat" trail to the right. (Don't take the stream trail or the billy goat trail, instead take the middle one. If you don't see 3 trails, then take the one that seems to go up hill)

You will see a cascading waterfall. Be careful here... (see warning above) There is a tree that hangs over the falls and the leaves around it's base make the footing a bit difficult. Monitor children carefully. Watch your step! Follow this trail by the falls to a "party spot" where the local teens hang out on party nights I suppose. Unfortunately you may see some of their party remanants. You will see a large fallen tree that has a burned out end on it. Hike around the burned out end and you will see a trail going up the hill. Follow this trail up a little incline. As you climb up the hill you will see a faint trail veering to the right. 10 paces up this hill you will need to turn completely around and face down the hill. You will see a large oak tree to your left with a flat rock leaning against it's base. Remove the rock and look inside to find your treasure!

Please, please, please be very careful not to alert anyone to its whereabouts as I don't have much faith that the local teens would treat the letterbox with too much TLC. If there is anyone back there, don't remove the box. When you finished stamping in your book and mine, please return the box and conceal carefully! I hope you enjoy your hike out. While you are in the area if possible you should check out Oakwood Cemetary where "Uncle Sam", and many other local celebrities are buried. It is truely a beautiful cemetary.