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Houston Buffs LbNA #63968

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Feb 6, 2013
Location: Mason Park
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Sep 27, 2017
*** Part of my TX Baseball Series ***
Terrain Difficulty: Easy (flat, 200 yards RT)
Status: alive

The Houston Buffaloes, or Buffs, were an American minor league baseball team founded in 1888 and played in the Texas League and later the American Association until 1961. They were a farm team of the St. Louis Cardinals and many future greats played for them: Dizzy and Daffy Dean, Enos Slaughter, Pepper Martin and Ducky Medwick. The name of the team came from Buffalo Bayou, the principal waterway through Houston, and they played most of their games at Buff Stadium. It was located just south of downtown on I45, currently the site of Finger Furniture, where you used to be able to see the home plate at the Houston Sports Museum located inside. Since I couldn't place this letterbox there, I put it nearby in Mason Park which is located near the confluence of Brays and Buffalo Bayous.

From I45 go north on Griggs Road for 0.7 mile then left on 75th Street for 0.8 mile and turn right into Mason Park. Go to second picnic table on left near road and park.

Walk to the concrete picnic table and continue toward bayou 65 steps to a yellow disc golf basket. Go right on path into woods 20 steps to multi-trunk tree 3 steps on right. Minibox is within trunks on back side about 2 feet high covered with leaves. Please replace as described and be discreet.