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Chloride Cemetery LbNA #65870

Owner:Tepee-AZ Contact Inactive
Plant date:Sep 21, 2013
Location: Chloride Cemetery
Found by: TesoroVita
Last found:May 16, 2021
Last edited:Nov 16, 2015
Chloride Cemetery

Difficulty: Drive-by
Walk Time: Less than 5 minutes
Stamp hand carved
Alive and well as of: September 21, 2013

Chloride is the oldest mining town in Arizona. For history visit Chloride’s Chamber of Commerce website at:

To find the letterbox take the road leading to the cemetery. There’s a big sign at the side of the main road directing. As you walk through the cemetery, please, be respectful. Proceed to the row of graves that depicts the row maker of a mining car. On your way there, pay respects to the headstone created from rocks of an Indian headdress. This cemetery has an eclectic collection of memorials. In the mining car row, find the grave that has a variety of wildlife (not necessarily indigenous to the area).
The letterbox (camo) is under a lava rock near the southwest corner.

Please be sure the contents are double zip locked when putting them back in the camo bag. Please rehide well under the lava rock so that it can be easily found by the next letterboxer.

Please record your find at and