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B-Grade Movies and 3 Dead Guys On Hell's Highway LbNA #66780

Owner:the lazy letterboxer
Plant date:Apr 22, 2014
Location: Off Elm Street,
Found by: Nairon
Last found:May 18, 2017
Last edited:Nov 24, 2015
B-Grade Movies and 3 Dead Guys on Hell's Highway

Parmenter Road,(off Elm Street) Leominster, MA

This is a 5 mile loop.

From downtown Leominster go up West Street and take a left onto Pond Street. Take a right off Pond Street onto Elm Street. Stay on Elm Street for quite awhile until you see a gate and sign for Parmenter Road on the right. Park there taking care not to block the gate.

In case you are wondering how we chose the spots for these boxes, before planting we checked with a local forester because a sign near the gate indicated that there would be changes on the trail, including an off-road parking area. He cautioned us against planting anything on the right side of the trail before Rocky Pond due to proposed tree clearing on that side of the trail. So, that being's off to the movies we go!

Walk along the Parmenter Road taking note of a stone wall on the left. The wall makes a corner (inverted L) and there is an opening before it continues again From the opening, walk about 10 steps to a large oak tree. Box #1 is behind this tree.

Back on the trail, keep walking until you see a trail on the left. Walk down that trail about 18-20 steps and see a large, reddish rock ground level on the right. Box #2 is behind that rock.

Back to Parmenter Road, continue along until you see a trail on the right, before a split in the path. Across from that trail, look to the left to see a large oak tree making a V (which is actually a W if you walk a little further and look back at it...not everything is as it seems in the movies). Box #3 is behind that tree.

Back to the trail, at the split stay on Parmenter Road (Brook Road veers to the left), walk for a while past a clearing, trail goes down (oh dear, tragedy ahead!) until you come to a large twin-sister hemlock on left of the trail with another large twin-sister hemlock about 50 steps beyond it (unfortunately this used to be a 3 sister tree but one of the girls got cut off at her base, about 8 feet up on the tree...this is the sad part of the movie) and behind those trees is a large pine with a burl on it's right side...look behind the pine for Box #4.

Continue to stroll along Parmenter Road keeping watch for an outcropping of rock on the right. Soon after that, on the left, spy a ground level rock surrounded by a cast of young birch trees and laurel. Look behind this rock for Box #5.

Continue along until the trail levels off and you see a sign indicating a Loop Trial on the left. Walk a few steps on the Loop Trail, past a red blaze on the left and just past that mark look for 2 rocks at ground level forming a small cave that shelters Box. #6.
Back to Parmenter Road, travel along past beautiful Rocky Pond on the right, note a stand of tall pines with their tops broken off, a painful reminder of the devastating ice storm this area experienced a few years ago. Finally you will come to an intersection with Hell's Highway on the left and a small path on the right. Take this path over the stream and around a small hill to a lichen covered rock on the left. Look behind this rock for Box #7.

And now we take a break, an intermission if you will, for feature #2, “3 Dead Guys on Hell's Highway”....the title of this series in no way reflects what I imagine happened to the immortal souls of these 3 just so happens that I had these stamps carved and waiting to be planted somewhere and I this seemed as good a place as any....
That being said, travel down Hell's Highway for awhile..carefree for a time, enjoying the scenery, not worrying about missing significant landmarks...until at the top of a descent (not necessarily the first) you notice 2 clusters of rock on the left, one of which has a large, predominantly white rock in front. Box #1 is hidden back there and also contains the only log book for this series. Why, you ask? Because the hiding place was big enough for a box that size....and dead guys don't care about stuff like where the logbook is in the series...

Okay, continuing your quest on Hell's Highway, keep going a shorter distance now until you see a large glacial erratic on the left, just before a stream that passes under the trail. Behind this large rock is dead guy #2.

Back on the highway now amble along for awhile until you come to an intersection with with a trail going up hill to the right that is Wolf Road. Opposite the Wolf Road sign is a cluster of rocks forming a natural tomb that holds dead guy #3.

Intermission is over....back to our feature film!
Continue along Hell's Highway for another 5 minutes or so until you come to Brook Road on the left. Take Brook Road and stroll along (if you can stroll uphill) for 15 minutes or so until you spy 2 large rocks on the left, behind the second of which is Box #8. If you come to a large tree on the right with initials carved into it you have gone a little too far.

Keep on going on the seemingly endless Brook Road , through the Sportman's Club property (yes, that was the gunfire you heard...not a western being filmed nearby), past the radio tower off trail a few hundred yards(which always brings a flutter to the heart of the letterboxingham), until you come to a split rock on the right side of the trail at the base of a pine. Box #9 is nestled under this rock.

Now the trail descends and winds for awhile until you come to a massive pine, slightly off the trail on the left, with a rock in front of it that has a crescent-shaped top. Look behind this rock for Box #10.
At this point if you are asking yourself “will this movie ever end?” the answer is “yes, but not quite yet”...
Continue until you come to a grove of tall pines on both sides of the trail followed by a stand of new growth pines on the right. When you are nearly at the end of this stand, and the clearing is in sight, look for a multi-coppiced oak on the right. Box #11...the grand behind this tree under leaves.

Now, it's time to exit the theater and find your car. Continue along Brook Road until it merges with Parmenter Road (coming in on the left) and follow Parmenter Road back to Elm Street.