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Dick's Quarry LbNA #67000

Plant date:May 29, 2014
City:Lone Pine
Planted by:artTrekker
Found by: Connecticut Croaker
Last found:Oct 2, 2014
Last edited:May 29, 2014
Rattlesnake Dick has fared well in his rocky home, but it's been a little quiet until now. This box was originally planted in Old Sacramento in 2005 for the Gold Rush Romp and has been on sabbatical for years.

Dick was hanging out on the porch of his cave and thought he heard a hopeful sound-- a stage approaching! He was sitting with his right shoulder about a foot out from the small crater in the rock above his cave, with his back to Mt. Whitney. Through an opening in the rocks about 25 feet away he spied (much further beyond) a stone formation vaguely reminiscent of a cross between a baseball mitt and a catcher's mitt with the thumb on the right and a cave just left of center (too small proportionately to be a baseball). Just then, he saw the stage rush by, going left! He hurried through the pass between the rocks, keeping his eye on the mitt, and, when he came to the beginning of a rugged fin of rock rising out of the open area around him (I forgot to count steps...maybe 40?), he turned left to see where the stage had gone. From the beginning of the fin to a jumble of hip-high boulders at the top end it was about 35 steps. Dick leaned against the top end of the fin, facing the same direction he had been walking, and wondered where the heck that stage went... He heard some sounds and looked up to see a large (15'?) roundish boulder with a bowl indentation in the top left perched atop other boulders. He swore he saw the stage disappear under the front end of the huge boulder in front of and under the left side of the round boulder, and found it hiding under a small sharp ledge of rock jutting out of the ground and SPOR. He actually had to get on his knees to see where it had gone and then he made his move.

After robbing the stage, he hid his booty there and scuffed out his footprints as he left, to keep the varmints away from his treasure.