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PAL Day 2021: Jay the Peanut LbNA #75532

Owner:Creeping Death Contact
Plant date:May 24, 2021
Location: 4700 Griffin Ave
City:Los Angeles
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Kelsung
Last found:May 29, 2021
Last edited:May 24, 2021
Clue image
I always thought these were blue jays but found out that they
are California Scrub Jays. I have one or more that visit me every
morning and beg for peanuts on my kitchen patio.
Blue ink pad or marker preferred

Ernest E. Debs Regional Park
Audubon Center entrance
Walk up asphalt for two minutes
Stop at the intersection of 8 poles
Scrub Jay Trail starting point
Compass 285 W
Walk down ten feet to 5 trunk tree
I am not a rock

Hike length: 0.1 miles