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Austin Dam Memorial Site #2 Making Tracks Series LbNA #7937 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Apr 10, 2004
Planted by:Jessica DE
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Apr 10, 2004

This letterbox did not fair well over the winter and is missing for the time being. ***************:}

Planted by Jessica (one of the group) "Eleven Going to Heaven" my new gang of boxers who love to write neat clues. Hope you have fun with this series, written by some relaxing teachers on Easter break.
Hopefully you know where this site is because these directions start once you are already there. Facing the dam on the right front pavillion post, set your compass at 45* and proceed for about 65 steps. You'll see a "slanted planted" rock about 1 yard from your stop. From here go at a reading of 82* for 36 steps.. OOps watch the sink hole on your right! Plunk some rocks or take pictures on the 4 iron fingers to your right. Now about face after your fun and return to the "slanted planted" rock where you'll find a slab that resembles a coffin, about six feet long. On a sunny day warm up as you lay and take a view of the blue above you. When your finished sun heard us.... snap out of it..get back to work you've got a box to find. Face west and walk to the closest tree. Believe you me.. we're almost there. Rock hop at 330* to the large green lagoon..your treasure is waiting you'll find it soon. Around the pond proceed clockwise to the large rounded dam boulders. Scramble up, go all the way around behind to the rusted iron rebar. Reading at 160* go to a large outcropping of rocks that are not dam boulders (these rocks are blessed!) Get there and look under a slanted slab, or your far left. Remove 1 large flat stone and admire a smaller stone that may have fossils on it. Then retrieve the treasure hidden behind. Once you find the treasure you'll be able to read about the treasure we've found. Try to pick up a informational book about the Austin dam in town at the little general store. @@@@@Awesome history, flavored with great true stories about that fatefull day when the dam gave way, even our kids enjoyed hearing the stories.
&&&&Read the disclaimer before searching, and remember snakes like rocks, and poisen ivy is real itchy if you get it!

* in the directions *denotes degrees.
have fun searching let me know what you think!!!