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Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary LbNA #10795 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Sep 11, 2004
Planted by:Sharpadamson
Found by: spanky_kc
Last found:Oct 2, 2004
Last edited:Sep 11, 2004

Last found: 9-13-04

This box is at Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary in Liberty, MO. Here is the link to their website . Park next to the nature center. You will need to go to the Rush Creek Trail. This trail is right next to the nature center. If you are facing the building from the parking lot the trail will be on the left side. Follow the trail to the fork where there is a sign. Follow the Rush Creek Trail to the scenic overlook. Other trails will fork off stay on the main trail until you get to the scenic overlook. It is about a 1/2 mile walk over a gradual downward trail. Once you get to the scenic overlook you will find the box under the back left side beneath a pile of rocks.

This is our first letterbox. Please let us know if you go and find it.