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Mothers' Day (Relocating to NY) ** LbNA #14910 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 6, 2005
Planted by:2 bentriders
Found by: Detamores
Last found:Jul 18, 2005
Last edited:May 6, 2005
[** Hiya 2 bentriders. Your login email is no long accepting emails so messages from other members are being returned. Please contact the webmasters if you'd like help updating your login email address. -Choi, one of the LbNA Webmasters]

Status - MISSING IN ACTION, February 25, 2006, Claimed from park officials April 30, 2006, relocating to NY - watch soon for new details as this box moves to the Adirondacks!

This is an easy, flat letterbox hunt, perfect for moms and dads and grandparents and the kids. Fun to find on Mothers' Day - or any day you want to do something special with your Mom. (Note: there are other boxes in this park too - don't forget to look for them too!)

Location: Christy Woods, an environmental education center and field station at Ball State University. It is located on Riverside Avenue, just West of Tillotson Road in Muncie.

Open hours are: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Sundays from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (April 1 - October 31). For detailed information go to:

When you arrive at Christy Woods, you must park on Riverside Avenue. Walk in on the main gravel road towards the Prairie in the center of the woods. (There is a map right at the entrance or print it out from the website above). Find the shelter where you can learn about Indiana Ecosystems, conservation, and wildlife.

Once you have had your fill of the interpretive displays, leave the shelter by the side where there are three tile step stones, and not four.

Head into the woods, turning right (west) onto the path you will see ahead of you as you leave the shelter. Take the time to count all the different ground flowers you see as you walk along the path. Don't be in a hurry - this is the best part of the walk - other than finding the letterbox.

When you come to the first path on the right (north) that intersects with the one you are on, begin counting your steps. Take 80 steps to the hollow log on the ground just a few feet off on the left (south) side of the trail. There you will find the Mothers' Day letterbox.

Note: Special bonus stamp for the first finder to take with them! (Already found and used for the Brewski's Overlook letterbox!)

Happy Mothers' Day to Mothers of all ages everywhere.