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Kit LbNA #15584

Plant date:May 31, 2005
Planted by:PenGwen
Found by: 8 Bare Feet
Last found:Jul 2, 2008
Last edited:Oct 6, 2015
Note: Since this box is a bit far from home it would be nice to hear from you if you are in the area. The box might need some TLC. Thanks!

On June 1, 2005 Letterboxers Cadenza, ABear and JBear from Idaho joined Don on a three day raft trip down the East Fork Carson river from Hangman’s bridge in Markleeville, Ca. to the take out near Gardnerville, Nevada. The night before we put on, ArtTrekker met us in town for dinner and we enjoyed a small get together. Several new letterboxes had been placed in the area for some after dinner enjoyment and the following clues were submitted by Don. Gwen was at home awaiting the birth of grand daughter Annelyse.

Everyone knows that Kit Carson was a terrific scout and guide, and that his accomplishments are legendary. This box was placed in his honor and the clues will lead you to an interesting local spot that most teens growing up in the area will certainly know. In fact Kit might have spent a night or two at this location.


From the south corner of Hangman’s Bridge head up a trail that leads away from the river and bridge. From the mouth of the cave head 100 steps at 115 degrees and look to your right for a large boulder bluish-gray in color. The bottom of the boulder is next to the trail and the top extends up approximately 15 feet uphill and away from the trail. The letterbox is tucked under movable rocks at the topside at ground level on the cave side of the rock.